Disembarkation & Trip Home
Monday, 7 October 2013
07.10.2013 - 07.10.2013
2013 Polynesian Cruise
on greynomadm's travel map.
The ship arrived in Sydney Harbour in almost total darkness as Daylight Savings had commenced the previous day. We didn't get to see any of the Tall Ships that were visiting an we ducked under the Bridge while it was still too dark to take photos. By the time the sun made a show we were almost along side at the White Bay Terminal and had lost the view of the harbour.
We disembarked at 0730 and collected all four cases, our two and the two belonging to Barry and Barbara. Straight through Customs and out into a very well organised pick-up area. Thanks to some helpful 'staff' we found our contact courier who took the two stray cases. He'd been trying to ring me but my useless phone wasn't even finding a service. We then found our ship-organised shuttle to Central Station and were there at about 0835. There were two editions of the Murray's Coach and we were on our way by 0845. Dream run out to the Airport and onto the M5 and we arrived in Canberra a good 30 minutes ahead of schedule. Nat & Frog were there to pick us up and whisked us out to their place for a quick lunch and we hit the road for home about 1400.
Traffic was light heading down to the Coast but was almost bumper to bumper in the opposite direction. For a long way East of Braidwood the string of cars was barely crawling. We slipped down the Clyde and through Batemans Bay with no significant delays, arriving home just after 1600. Called in on our mate Michael and relieved him of our backlog of snail-mail. It took many hours to just sort through it and read some of it. Magazines will have to await their turn !!
Fantastic cruise, well organised disembarkation and dream trip home. Will do it that way again provided Natalie can arrange the Canberra transfers.
This marks the end of the blogs for this adventure, hope you enjoyed them.
My photos are posted each day to http://365project.org/tonydebont/365
Cheers ... Tony
Posted by greynomadm 23:43 Archived in Australia Comments (1)